
Books, Documents, Online Resources on the subject of “New Haven, CT” in the collection of the Hilton C. Buley Library (as of 5/26/16)
Compiled by Rebecca Hedreen, reference librarian

4521-- from West Rock Looking North, New Haven, Conn. 190AD. Postcard.
Abdul-Salaam, Mustafa. 1989. “An Analysis of the Participation of the African American in the Economic and Political Structures of the New Haven Community from 1950 to 1980: A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies.”
Abraham, Mark, Sarah Conderino, Nicholas Defiesta, Amanda Durante, Mario García, Matthew Higbee, Jeannette Ickovics, Augusta Mueller, and Johnathan Park. 2013. Greater New Haven Community Index 2013: Benchmarking Thepeople, Economic Opportunity, Health Needs, and Civic Lifeof Our Region / Mark Abraham, Lead Author ; Sarah Conderino, Nicholas Defiesta, Amanda Durante, Mario Garcia,Matthew Higbee, Jeannette Ickovics, Augusta Mueller, and Johnathan Park, Co-Authors. New Haven: DataHaven.
Adams, Leonard Edward. 1979. Fort Nathan Hale, New Haven Harbor: 1863. New Haven: Fort Nathan Hale Restoration Projects.
“Aeromagnetic Map of the New Haven Quadrangle, New Haven County, Connecticut.” 1973. Washington, D.C: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. GeologicalSurvey.
Allen, George P. 1899. A History and Genealogical Record of the Alling-Allens of New Haven, Conn., the Descendants of Roger Alling, First,and John Alling, Sen., from 1639 to the Present Time. New Haven, Conn: Lee & Adkins.
Andrews, Charles McLean, and Charles McLean Andrews. 1936. The Rise and Fall of the New Haven Colony. Tercentenary Pamphlet Series 48. New Haven: Published for the Tercentenary Commission by the Yale University Press.
Argiri, Laura. 1994. The God in Flight. 1st ed. New York: Random House.
Atwater, Edward E. 1873. A Genealogical Register of the Descendants in the Male Line of David Atwater, One of the Original Planters of New Haven, Conn., to the Sixth Generation. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor.
———. 1887. History of the City of New Haven to the Present Time. New York: W. W. Munsell & Co.
Atwater, Edward E., Lucy M. Hewitt, Bessie E. Beach, and Robert Atwater Smith. 1902. History of the Colony of New Haven: To Its Absorption into Connecticut. Meriden, Conn: Journal Pub. Co.
Augur, Edwin P. 1904. Family History and Genealogy of the Descendants of Robert Augur of New Haven Colony. Middletown, Conn: Press of Pelton & King.
Bacon, Leonard. 1839. Thirteen Historical Discourses, on the Completion of Two Hundred Years: From the Beginning of the First Church inNew Haven, with an Appendix. New Haven: Durrie & Peck.
———. 1866. Four Commemorative Discourses: Delivered on His Sixty-Third Birth-Day, February 19th, 1865, on the Fortieth Anniversary of His Installation, March 12th, 1865, and on His Retirement from Pastoral Duties, September 9th, 1866. New Haven: T.J. Stafford.
———. 1879. Three Civic Orations for New Haven. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers.
Baker, Christina Hopkinson. 1930. A Porringer of Cockiney: The Story of the Land and Housenow Owned by the Visiting Nurse Association at 35 Elm Street, New Haven. New Haven: Visiting Nurse Association.
Baker, Frank Woods, Chauncey B. Brewster, Samuel Hart, William Given Andrews, and William Reed Huntington. 1903. Reminiscences of Edwin Harwood: Rector of Trinity Church,New Haven, Conn., 1859-1895. New Haven: Trinity Press.
Baldwin, Ernest H. 1907. Stories of Old New Haven: [illustrated]. Taunton, Mass: C.A. Hack and Son.
Baldwin, Simeon E. 1882. Three Historical Papers: Read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society. New Haven: The Society.
Barber, John Warner, and Lemuel Swift Punderson. 1856. History and Antiquities of New Haven, Conn.: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. 2d ed. New Haven: L.S. Punderson and J.W. Barber.
Barney, Frances Bishop. 1930. History of St. Paul’s Parish, New Haven, 1830-1930. [New Haven.
Bartlett, Ellen Strong. 1897. Historical Sketches of New Haven. New Haven: Printed by Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor.
Bass, Paul, and Douglas W. Rae. 2006. Murder in the Model City: The Black Panthers, Yale, and the Redemption of a Killer. New York: Basic Books.
Beach, Raymond Vernon. 1898. First Lieutenant and Adjutant Rodmond Vernon Beach Born inNew Haven Connecticut May 18, 1865, Died in Ponce, Puerto Rico, September 28, 1898. [New Haven, Conn: s.n.
Beals, Carleton. 1951. Our Yankee Heritage: The Making of Greater New Haven. New Haven: Printed by Bradley and Scovill.
———. 1957. Our Yankee Heritage: The Making of Greater New Haven. 2nd ed. [New Haven: Printed by Bradley and Scovill.
Beardsley, E. Edwards. 1858. The Grateful Remembrance: An Anniversary Discourse, Delivered in St. Thomas’ Church, New Haven, Easter Sunday,1858. New Haven: Peck, White & Peck.
Bechard, Gorman. 2002. Ninth Square. 1st ed. New York: Forge.
Bielawa, Michael. 2013. Wicked New Haven. Charleston, SC: The History Press.
Bishop, Frank S. 1916. History of the First Baptist Church in New Haven: Historical Address Delivered at the Centenary Celebration, the Eleventh Day of October, Nineteen Hundredand Sixteen. [New Haven, Conn: A. Cannelli Ptg. Co.
Blake, Henry T. 1898. Chronicles of New Haven Green from 1638 to 1862: A Series of Papers Read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society. New Haven: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Press.
Bowen, Daniel, ed. 1786. The New-Haven Chronicle. New Haven, Conn: D. Bowen.
Bradbury, Bianca. 1963. Goodness and Mercy Jenkins. New York: Washburn.
Bradley, Leonard Abram, and Joseph Manuel Andreini. 1916. History of the Ball Family: Genealogy of the New Haven Branch, Allen Ball and Some of His Descendants, 1638-1864. New York: J.M. Andreini.
“Branford Quadrangle: Connecticut - New Haven Co.” 1972. Reston, Va: The Survey.
Bremer, Francis J. 2012. Building a New Jerusalem: John Davenport, a Puritan in Three Worlds. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Brockett, Edward J., John B. Koetteritz, and Francis Edward Brockett. 1905. The Descendants of John Brockett, One of the Original Founders of New Haven Colony. Illustrated with Portraits and Armorial Bearings; an Historical Introduction Relatingto the Settlement of New Haven and Wallingford, Connecticut. The English Brocketts. “A Pedigree of Brockett,” Published in England in 1860. East Orange, N. J: The Orange Chronicle Company, printers.
Brown, D. Norman. 2011. Ye Olde Xeroxenford Annuaire, 2010-11. [New Haven, Conn: Author].
Brown, Elizabeth Mills. 1965. The United Church on the Green: An Architectural historyNew Haven, Connecticut. New Haven: United Church.
———. 1976. New Haven, a Guide to Architecture and Urban Design. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Byers, Jane C., and Ruth E. McClure. 1981. Enjoying New Haven: A Guide to the Area. 6th ed. Hamden Conn. (P.O. Box 6191, Hamden 06517):  ’Round-the-Town Publications.
Calder, Isabel M. 1934. The New Haven Colony. Yale Historical Publications. Miscellany XXVIII. New Haven : London: Yale University Press; H. Milford,Oxford University Press.
———. 1970. The New Haven Colony. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books.
Caplan, Colin M. 2006. New Haven. Then & Now. Charleston, SC: Arcadia.
———. 2007. A Guide to Historic New Haven, Connecticut. Charleston, SC: History Press.
———. 2008. 101 Glimpses of New Haven. Charleston, SC: History Press.
———. 2009. Westville: Tales from a Connecticut Hamlet. American Chronicles, a History Press Series. Charleston, SC: History Press.
Chapman, F. W. 1872. The Trowbridge Family: Or The Descendents of Thomas Trowbridge, One of the First Settelers of New Haven, Conn. New Haven, Conn: Punderson, Crisand & Co., Printers.
Chauncey, Henry, John T. Hill, Thomas Strong, and Henry Louis Gates. 2015. May Day at Yale, 1970: Recollections the Trial of Bobby Seale and the Black Panthers. Westport, Connecticut: Prospecta Press.
Ciresi, Rita. 1999. Pink Slip. New York: Dell Publishing.
Citizens Park Council of Greater New Haven, ed. 1990. New Haven Outdoors: A Guide to the City’s Parks. 2nd ed. New Haven, Conn: Citizens Park Council of Greater New Haven.
Community Progress, Inc, ed. 1966. The Human Story. New Haven: Community Progress, Inc.
Community Resources in Greater New Haven. 1974. Information and Referral Service.
Connecticut, ed. 1908. A Souvenir of New Haven, Connecticut. [New Haven.
Connecticut, and Connecticut, eds. 2009. Pilot Program for Public Financing of Municipal Campaigns. [Hartford: Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission.
Connecticut Historical Commission, ed. 2001. New Haven Historic Resources Inventory: Dwight Street Area Historic and Architectural Survey. Hartford, Conn: Connecticut Historical Commission.
Corrigan, David. 1976. A Graphic View of New Haven. New Haven, Conn.: New Haven Colony Historical Society.
Dahl, Robert A. 1961. Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City. Yale Studies in Political Science 4. New Haven: Yale University Press.
———. 1989. Who Governs?: Democracy and Power in an American City. Yale Studies in Political Science 4. New Haven: Yale University Press.
———. 2005. Who Governs?: Democracy and Power in an American City. 2nd ed. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Dana, Arnold Guyot. 1937. New Haven’s Problems: Whither the City? All Cities?. New Haven, Conn: Privately Printed for the Author by the Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co.
Dana, Henrietta Frances Silliman. 1907. Hillhouse Avenue from 1809 to 1900. New Haven [Conn.]: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co.
Dana, James Dwight. 1891. On the Four Rocks of the New Haven Region, East Rock, Westrock, Pine Rock, and Mill Rock, in Illustration of the Features of Non-Volcanic Igneous Ejections. With a Guide to Walks and Drives about New Haven. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, printers.
Dau Publishing Co, ed. 1911. The New Haven, Conn. Blue Book. New York: Dau Publishing Co.
———. , ed. 1913. Dau’s Blue Book for New Haven, Bridgeport, Waterbury (Connecticut). New York: Dau Publishing Co.
Day, Clarence. 1920. The Story of the Yale University Press Told by a Friend. New Haven: At the Earl Trumbull Williams Memorial.
Dean, Dorothy Goodrich. 1985. “A Social Psychological Study of Conflict Resolution: MayDay, 1970, at Yale University and New Haven, Connecticut.”
Decrow, W. E. 1885. Yale and “The City of Elms,.” 3rd ed. Boston: W.E. Decrow.
Defenders’ Monument Association (New Haven, Conn.), ed. 190AD. The British Invasion of New Haven. New Haven, Conn: [s.n. (Price, Lee and Adkins Co., Print.).
DeStefano, John. 2014. Mayor John DeStefano Jr. Papers. New Haven, Connecticut: Southern Connecticut State University Digital Collections.
Domhoff, G. William. 1978. Who Really Rules?: New Haven and Community Power Reexamined. New Brunswick, N.J: Transaction Books.
———. 2010. Who Rules America? Power, Politics, & Social Change. Santa Cruz: G. W. Domhoff.
Dreis, Thelma A. 1936. A Handbook of Social Statistics of New Haven, Connecticut. New Haven: Pub. for the Institute of Human Relations, Yale University, by Yale University Press.
Dugdale, Antony, J. J. Fueser, J. Celso de Castro Alves, and Amistad Committee, eds. 2016. Yale, Slavery & Abolition: Yale University and Its Legacy. New Haven, Conn.: Amistad Committee. Accessed May 26.
Dutton, Samuel W. S. 1842. The History of the North Church in New Haven: From Its Formation in May 1742, during the Great Awakening, to the Completion of the Century in May 1842: In Three Sermons. New Haven: A.H. Maltby.
———. 1863. An Address at the Funeral of Hon. Roger Sherman Baldwin, February 23, 1863. New Haven: Printed by T.J. Stafford.
Dwight, Benjamin W., Simeon North, and E. Y. Swift. 1862. Reminiscences of the Life and Character of Benjamin Woolsey Dwight. New York: J. F. Trow, printer.
Dwight, Timothy. 1811. A Statistical Account of the City of New-Haven. A Statistical Account of the Towns and Parishes in the State of Connecticut. Published by the Connecticut Academyof Arts and Sciences. v. 1, No. 1. [New-Haven: Walter and Steele.
Elliot, Samuel H. 1869. The Attractions of New Haven, Connecticut: A Guide to the City. New York: N. Tibbals & Co.
Enjoying New Haven: An Informal Guide to the City. 1964. New Haven: Trio Publications.
Evans, Waleska Bacon. 1960. A Cornerstone of 1871 Focuses a Bustling New Have: An Informal Picture of Life in Our Town, from Contemporary Data Found in the Cornerstone of the Gamble Desmond Building: A Paper. New Haven: The Society.
Ewell, M. L. Beckwith, and George Beckwith. 1880. One True Heart.: Leaves from the Life of George Beckwith. New Haven [Conn.]: Henry H. Peck.
Farnham, Thomas J. 1983. Upper State Street 1640-1982. [S.ℓ: s.n.
Ferry, Ruth M., ed. 1931. Plymouth Congregational Church in New Haven, Connecticut: 1831-1931. [New Haven: Church Committee on History].
First Church in New Haven (New Haven, Conn.), ed. 1847. Catalogue of the Members of the First Church in New Haven,from March 1, 1758, to May 1, 1847: To Which Are Prefixed the Profession of Faith, Covenant and Standing Rules of the Church. New Haven: Printed by B.L. Hamlen.
First Light Battery and the Sixth, Seventh and Tenth Connecticut Volunteers Monument Association, ed. 1905. Program of Exercises at the Dedication of a Soldiers Monument. New Haven.
Fisher, George Park. 1858. A Discourse, Commemorative of the History of the Church ofChrist in Yale College: During the First Century of Its Existence: Preached in the College Chapel, November 22, 1857: With Notes and an Appendix. New Haven: Thomas H. Pease.
Fowler, William. 1870. Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Capt. William Fowler, New Haven, Connecticut. Milwaukee: Starr.
Geometric Tool Company (New Haven, Conn.), ed. 1919. To the Employees of the Geometric Tool Company: Who Enlisted in the Service of the United States Government during the World War of 1914-1918. New Haven: Geometric Tool Company.
Gerovich, Yelena. 2003. “An Evaluation of an Acculturation Program for Elderly Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union: A Research Project Submitted to the Department of Social Work in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Social Work Southern Connecticut State University.”
Gormley, Ann Marie. 2006. “Reverend James Pierpont: New Haven and the Founding of Yale 1659 - 1714.”
Haddam, Jane, and Jane Haddam. 1995. Fountain of Death. The Gregor Demarkian Series. New York: Bantam Books.
Hall, Nancy J. 2011. “Maureen Cleary: A Novel Based on Truths.”
Hallock, Gerard. 1865. History of the South Congregational Church, New Haven: From Its Origin in 1852 till January 1, 1865. New Haven, [Conn.]: Printed by Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor.
Harris, Katherine J. 2010. William Lanson: Triumph and Tragedy: Entrepreneur, Political and Social Activist, Black King (governor), Contractor on Long Wharf and the Farmington Canal Projects. New Haven, CT: Amistad Committee.
Harte, Charles Rufus, and Frederick W. Chesson. 1995. New Haven: From the Collection of Charles Rufus Harte. Images of America. Dover, N.H: Arcadia.
Hausemann, Albert F. 1968. “Origin and Development of the New Haven Free Public Library, 1886-1911: Presented in Fulfillment of the Thesis Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science, Southern Connecticut State College.”
Hayward, Marjorie F. 1938. The East Side of New Haven Harbor: Morris Cove (SolitaryCove), the Annex (the Indian Reservation), South End & Waterside, 1644 to 1868. New Haven: New haven Colony Historical Society.
Hegel, Richard. 1972. Nineteenth-Century Historians of New Haven. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books.
Hess, Cynthia, Rhiana Gunn-Wright, and Claudia Williams. 2012. The Status of Women & Girls in New Haven, Connecticut. Washington, D.C: Institute for Women’s Policy Research. 2012.pdf.
Hill, Eugene C. 1899. A History of the East Pearl Street Methodist Episcopal Church and Sunday School: With Annual Reports for 1898-9and a Directory. New Haven, Conn: East Pearl Street Methodist Episcopal Church.
Hill, Everett G. 1918. A Modern History of New Haven and Eastern New Haven County. New York ; Chicago: S. J. Clarke.
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Hoose, Shoshana. 1979. City Point. [S.ℓ: s.n.].
Hopkins, Griffith Morgan. 1888. “Atlas of the City of New Haven, Connecticut. From the Triangulations, Surveys and Maps of the City Engineer’s Department. Published under a Contract with the City of New Haven through the Special Committee of City Maps, Henry G. Lewis, Chairman.” Philadelphia: G.M. Hopkins.
Hornstein, Harold, Richard Hegel, and New Haven Bicentennial Commission, eds. 1976. New Haven Celebrates the Bicentennial: Commemorative Book. New Haven, Conn: New Haven Bicentennial Commission.
Howe, Henry. 1884. An Outline History of New Haven: (interspersed with Reminiscences). New Haven: O.A. Dorman.
Humphreys, David. 1816. A Discourse on the Agriculture of the State of Connecticut,and the Means of Making It More Beneficial to the State. New Haven: Printed by T.G. Woodward.
Jacobus, Donald Lines. 1904. The Wilmot Family of New Haven, Conn. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society.
———. 1935. List of Officials, Civil, Military, and Ecclesiastical of Connecticut Colony, from March 1636 through 11 October 1677, and of New Haven Colony throughout Its Separate Existence; Also Soldiers in the Pequot War Who Then or Subsequently Resided within the Present Bounds of Connecticut. New Haven: R.M. Hooker, for the Pulication committee.
———. 1974. Families of Ancient New Haven. [Rome, N.Y., C. Smith, 1923] Baltimore: Genealogical Pub.Co.
Jocelyn, Simeon Smith, ed. 1831. College for Colored Youth: An Account of the New-Haven City Meeting and Resolutions, with Recommendations of the College, and Strictures upon the Doings of New-Haven. New-York: Published by the Committee.
Kelley, Brooks Mather. 1974. New Haven Heritage; an Area of Historic Houses on Hillhouse Avenue and Trumbull Street. New Haven: New Haven Preservation Trust.
Kingsley, James Luce. 1838. A Historical Discourse, Delivered by Request before the Citizens of New Haven, April 25, 1838: The Two Hundredthanniversary of the First Settlement of the Town and Colony. New Haven: B. & W. Noyes.
Kingsley, William Lathrop. 1888. An Address on the Occasion of the 250th Anniversary of Thesettlement of New Haven, April 25th, 1888: Delivered in the Center Church before the Congregational Club, April 23d. New Haven: Congregational Club?
Kirby, Richard Shelton. 1939. Inventors and Engineers of Old New Haven: A Series of Six Lectures given in 1938 under the Auspices of the School of Engineering, Yale University. New Haven Tercentenary Publications. New Haven, Conn: New Haven Colony Historical Society.
Kittredge, Mary. 1992. Cadaver: An Edwina Crusoe Medical Mystery. 1st ed. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Lambert, Edward R. 2008. History of the Colony of New Haven, before and after the Union with Connecticut. Containing a Particular Description of the Towns Which Composed That Government, Viz., New Haven, Milford, Guilford, Branford, Stamford, & Southold, L.I., with a Notice of the Towns Which Have Beenset off from “the Original Six.” Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger.
Leary, J. A. 2012. The Angel Hunter: A Novel. 2nd Edition. Orlando, FL: AML Enterprises, LLC.
Leeney, Robert J., and Janet D’Agostino. 2000. Elms, Arms, & Ivy: New Haven in the Twentieth Century. 1st ed. Montgomery, Ala: Community Communications.
Lepri, Paul. 1977. The New Haven Sound, 1946-1976. [s.l: s.n.].
Levermore, Charles H. 1966. The Republic of New Haven; a History of Municipal Evolution. New ed. Port Washington, N.Y: Kennikat Press.
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Levi, Benjamin N., Bruce P. Muller, and J. Ernest Gonzales. n.d. Dwight Neighborhood Study Area Report: A Center for Urbanstudies Project. Hartford: Southern Connecticut State College.
Longwell, Chester R., James Dwight Dana, and Edward Salisbury Dana. 1961. Walks and Rides in Central Connecticut and Massachusetts. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press.
Lyman, Dean B. 1928. The Trust Company Corner: A History from Earliest times,1638- 1928. New Haven: The Union & New Haven Trust Co.
———. 1929. An Atlas of Old New Haven, Or, “The Nine Squares” as Shown on Various Early Maps. New Haven: Chas. W. Scranton & Co.
Macaluso, Laura A. 2013. Historic Treasures of New Haven: Celebrating 375 Years of the Elm City. Charleston, SC: The History Press.
Mann, Bruce H. 1977. “Parishes, Law, and Community in Connecticut, 1700-1760.”
Mascola, Patrick. 2011. Hell on East Rock: A Love Mystery Novel. First edition. New York: Vantage Press.
Maynard, Preston, Paul Loether, Anne F. Niles, and New Haven Preservation Trust, eds. 1982. New Haven Historic Resources Inventory. Phase II: Eastern New Haven. New Haven, Conn: The New Haven Preservation Trust.
Maynard, Preston, Marjorie B. Noyes, and New Haven Preservation Trust, eds. 2004. Carriages and Clocks, Corsets and Locks: The Rise and Fall of an Industrial City--New Haven, Connecticut. Hanover, N.H: University Press of New England.
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McConnell, John Wilkinson. 1942. The Evolution of Social Classes. Washington, D.C: American council on public affairs.
———. 1973. The Evolution of the Social Classes. New York: Russell & Russell.
Merchants’ Exchange of New Haven, and James Brewster, eds. 1866. Charter, Constitution, and Bylaws of the Merchants’ Exchange of New Haven, Conn.: Together with the Opening Address. New Haven, Ct: The Exchange (T.J. Stafford, printer).
Miller, William Lee. 1966. The Fifteenth Ward and the Great Society; an Encounter with a Modern City. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Mitchell, Mary Hewitt. 1942. History of the United Church of New Haven. New Haven, Conn: The United Church.
Moffat, R. Burnham. 1913. Pierrepont Genealogies from Norman Times to 1913: With Particular Attention Paid to the Line of Descent from Hezekiah Pierpont, Youngest Son of Rev. James Pierpont of New Haven. New York: R.B. Moffat.
Morris, John M., ed. 1863. The Connecticut War Record. Connecticut Military Newspapers, 1862-1875. New Haven [Conn.]: Peck, White & Peck.
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Osterweis, Rollin G. 1953. Three Centuries of New Haven, 1638-1938. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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Palladium Company (New Haven, Conn.), ed. 1892. New Haven of to-Day: Its Commerce, Trade and Industries;descriptive and Historical. New Haven, Conn.: Palladium Co.
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